- BCA(H)
- BBA (H)
- B.COM(H)
- Faculty
- Teaching Methodology
- Value Added Courses
Fast growing information technology and communication systems have become critical components of almost every company's strategic plan. Companies which want to take advantage require expert professionals, who can apply computer science principles to solve problems produced by the interface between business and technology.
Career Opportunities:
Students have a bright future in the IT field. They could take up jobs as programmers and grow to become project managers. A post graduation in the relevant field is always preferred.
Dual Qualification
Jain college offers 3 years full time BCA programme affiliated to Kolhan University with additional certifications from professional bodies like Microsoft, Oracle etc.
The BBA programme from Jain College facilitates the incubation of Innovative leaders who know how to put new ideas to work, and do so responsibly. Anchored in a rigorous management curriculum, the programme also gives you the breadth and depth of knowledge to be a leader in any type of organization, including global firms, start ups, MNCs, NGOs or even a business of your own.
Benefits for Students
Dual Qualification
Jain college offers 3 years full time BBA programme affiliated to Kolhan University with a dual qualification in Finance / Marketing/HR from professional institutes like NSE, CIM etc.
Jain College - Faculty of commerce & management has earned an exceptional reputation with employers for producing graduates who not only cope with the challenges of today’s business world, but excel in opportunities which they create. The faculty offers a wide range of industry related courses which have been designed to stimulate and challenge ambitious minds as well prepare students for managerial and specialist role within business and public sector.
Career Opportunities:
Career opportunities depend on the subjects taken, but graduates work in government organizations and private enterprise as accountants, economists, statisticians, finance analysts or managers. They may also work in marketing or other areas of management.
Optional Dual Qualification
Jain college offers 3 years full time B.Com programme with a optional dual certifications in industry oriented programme in Finance / Accounts/Insurance/Banking etc. from professional institutes like NSE, III etc.
The integrated mode of learning are executed and implemented through several conventional & non conventional mode of teaching. Few of them include:
Lectures and Discussions
Lectures by faculty are used to introduce concepts, techniques, issues, and to moderate the exchange of individual views. Performance in class discussions requires a high level of preparedness with sensitivity to others' point of view.In order to achieve this, the modules are designed so as to incorporate fundamental concepts in the initial phase followed by the application and subsequent integration with real life business situations. Initially, participants work individually studying assigned cases, reading material, completing exercises, extracting pertinent facts and identifying issues or concepts that require in-depth understanding. They are expected to contribute to the learning process by sharing accumulated knowledge and work experience through active discussions.
Situation Role-playing
To get fully involved, to experience the dynamics of practical management situations as well as enhance behavioural characteristics, role plays with participants covering diverse managerial roles are carried out.
Management Guru’s Seminar
As part of a week orientation programme, a two day seminar is conducted on “Management Gurus” to deepen the understanding and appreciate contribution of leading management theorist like Peter Drucker, Peter Senge, Michael Porter, Rosabeth Moss Kantor, Mary Parker Follett, Rensis Likert, Margaret Wheatley, Herbert Simon, Stephen Covey, AlRies, Geert Hoefstede etc.
Book Reviews on Saturday
Jain College has identified about 60 management classic “must read” books and they are discussed and presented by the students every Saturday. Prominent Books discussed are snapshot from hell, 7 habits of highly effective people, Yugantar, Essence of Peter Drucker, Good to Great, Build to Last, Goal, World Class, Straight from Gut, Who Moved my Cheese, the GE Way etc.
Projects and Written Assignment: Every student has to analyze topical themes in Management assigned every week as a part of assignments and these are based on Business Magazines, NewsPapers and Economic Times. Assignments are individual as well as group based and cover a wide variety.
Presentation and Public Speaking
By working in small groups to develop and defend presentations, participants experience the challenges associated with group responsibility, collective decision making and persuasive communication. The integrative module exercises typically lead to experiences that enhance participants' ability to express their ideas clearly and convincingly-a valuable personal asset in business life. A regular feature at Jain College on any given week has at least 2 presentations underway in addition, to a case study under discussion and preparation
Case Analysis
Case Analysis as a tool of learning by dissecting real life situation is a predominant pedagogical aid used at Jain College. Cases from Richard Ivey, ECCH, Harvard and other leading sources are used in different subject areas to train students. The business landscape and integration of Management concepts, practices and problems is brought out for analysis through cases in various courses. Case study methods involve an in-depth longitudinal examination of a single event.
There is a heavy focus on integrative learning at Jain College. About 200 case studies are handled by students over a period of 20 months in addition to written assignments and projects on continuous basis. Written analysis of case studies along with power point presentations and class room discussions are integral part of the training.
Learning by Doing (Summer Internship for BBA & BCA)
Depending on the academic programme, each participant is required to do a summer internship with a reputed business Organization or an industry based elaborate field project. During their elective courses, students are encouraged to take up live projects to align knowledge and its application.
National Stock Exchange Certification in Financial Market (For BBA / B.Com Students)
NCFM is an online testing and certification programme. It tests the practical knowledge and skills required to operate in the financial markets. Tests are conducted in a secure and unbiased manner and certificates awarded based on merit of the candidate to qualify the on-line test.
Oracle Certification Program (For BCA Students)
The Oracle Certification Program is the IT professional certification offered by Oracle University for products and services by Oracle and those acquired from Sun Microsystems, including Java, MySQL, and Solaris.
3 Reasons to go for Oracle Certifications
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification (For BBA / BCA & B.Com Students)
A Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification helps validate proficiency in using Microsoft Office 2010 and meets the demand for the most up-to-date skills on the latest Microsoft technologies. Candidates who pass a certification exam show that they can meet globally recognized performance standards.
Campus Recruitment Training Programme ((For BBA / BCA & B.Com Students)
This programme is designed to aid candidates in their preparation for recruitment through campus or outside campus. Students in their final year looking for placement in reputed organizations can make use of this programme to get trained to deliver their best in the selection processes of various corporates tied up with our institutions.
Programme Contents
Business English Certification: A University of Cambridge (UK) Examination
The Business English Certificate (BEC), a University of Cambridge (UK) examination offered in India by British Council is an internationally recognized English language qualification for learners wishing to use English for the purpose of international business. There are three BEC levels: • BEC Preliminary • BEC Vantage • BEC Higher